Many people see the wisdom in buying insurance, “just in case,” something big happens they aren’t expecting. The small investment is worth it because the cost of being wrong is very, very high. The cost of being wrong about God and heaven and hell, is also very, very, very high. With that in mind, even the most skeptical of skeptics, would spend at least several months deeply trying to find God, “just in case.” Several months is a penny, if eternity is a million dollars. That is cheap insurance! For me, I am fully convinced God is our creator, he knows the future as shown by Bible prophecy, history and archeology shows the bible is accurate, and God still does miracles today confirming his power. But even for the skeptic, the most logical thing to do would be to seek deeply and passionately for signs of God’s existence, “just in case.”
Here are some places to start. I might add more later:
Creation Ministries International:
Associates for Biblical Archaeology: